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1 nov. 202410 min de lecture
Karl Jaspers : Hamlet and the Problem of Truth
"Hamlet's knowledge and his desire for knowledge set him apart from the world. In it, he cannot be of it. He acts the part of a madman."

4 août 20246 min de lecture
James Hollis : Hamlet's Stuckness
"Hamlet is so familiar to us because he knows, really knows, that he is his own worst problem."

11 sept. 20226 min de lecture
Shakespeare's knowledge of mankind (by A. Schlegel)
"Shakespeare's knowledge of mankind has become proverbial: he has justly been called the master of the human mind."

10 sept. 20227 min de lecture
Facts of Shakespeare's Life, by Mark Twain
"In the list as above set down, will be found every positively known fact of Shakespeare’s life, lean and meagre as the invoice is."

10 sept. 20227 min de lecture
Shakespeare and Bacon (by Dr. Gervinus )
"In the chapter on "His Age," Professor Gervinus pours out the results of a profound study of the writings attributed to both men."

21 mai 20217 min de lecture
Villiers de L'Isle-Adam : Hamlet
"Le génie n’a point pour mission de créer, mais d’éclairer ce qui, sans lui, serait condamné aux ténèbres. C’est l’ordonnateur du Chaos."

10 avr. 20213 min de lecture
Victor Hugo : Prometheus and Hamlet
"Prometheus is action. Hamlet is hesitation. In Prometheus the obstacle is exterior; in Hamlet it is interior."

10 avr. 20216 min de lecture
Victor Hugo : Hamlet ou la folie du sage
"Tout maladif qu'il est, Hamlet exprime un état permanent de l’homme : le malaise de l’âme dans la vie pas assez faite pour elle."

6 févr. 20214 min de lecture
Shakespeare's The Tempest : A Jungian Interpretation
"The Tempest investigates marriage, love, culture. It is symbolic of man’s rational higher instincts versus his animal natural tendencies."

6 févr. 20213 min de lecture
Illustrations of Shakespeare, by William Blake
[William Blake - "Clarence's Dream", 1774 (Shakespeare, Richard III, Act 1, Scene 4)]

31 oct. 20205 min de lecture
La Mélancolie de la "Vanitas"de Montaigne à Hamlet
"Comme Montaigne, Shakespeare, ou du moins Hamlet, reconnaît en lui-même avec inquiétude le tourment propre aux mélancoliques"

29 oct. 20205 min de lecture
Loneliness and the Tragic Hero in Shakespeare
"For Hamlet and heroes such as him, loneliness represents fulfilment, even if on another level."

18 oct. 20206 min de lecture
Hamlet : A Case of Madness
"Hamlet's mind," the critic says, "is constantly occupied with the world within, and abstracted from the world without."
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