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28 août6 min de lecture
"Home From the Sea", by J.B. Priestley
"Thus it was not long before I began to see the world as long-voyage sailors must always have seen it."
16 août3 min de lecture
"Farm", by Hermann Hesse
"Sheer misery makes one profound. — But here there are no problems, mere existence needs no justification, thinking becomes a game."
16 août4 min de lecture
"Clouded Sky", Hermann Hesse
"I lie and gaze into the evening skv. which for hours has been slowly covering itself with small, silent, tangled clouds."
15 août4 min de lecture
"Rainy Weather", by Hermann Hesse
"There is a kind of rainy weather that is refreshing and cheerful. Today's weather is not."
Irène de Palacio
8 mars5 min de lecture
"Insomnia", par Edward Thomas
"I wake before dawn, and then, much as I desire sleep, I cannot have it. I am now the prey of anything but sleep, anything real or unreal...
31 août 20239 min de lecture
The Solitary Summer (by Elizabeth von Arnim)
"- Last night after dinner, when we were in the garden, I said,"I want to be alone for a whole summer, and get to the very dregs of life."
8 août 20233 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : Demian (Prologue)
"What constitutes a real, live human being is more of a mystery than ever these days."
21 juil. 20232 min de lecture
Ernest Hemingway : Banquet speech, 1954
"For a true writer, each book should be a new beginning where he tries again for something that is beyond attainment."
16 mai 20234 min de lecture
Rudyard Kipling : Surgeons and the Soul
"Once upon a time, or rather at the very birth of time, .. Man claimed that he, too, was in some sort a deity."
4 avr. 20236 min de lecture
Anton Chekhov : Who Was To Blame ? (short story)
"On his way home from the high school, Pyotr Demyanitch went into a general shop and bought a mouse-trap for fifteen kopecks."
2 avr. 20236 min de lecture
Thomas Browne : On Dreams
"However dreames may bee fallacious concerning outward events, yet may they bee truly significant at home..."
13 févr. 20231 min de lecture
"Ode to Tranquillity", by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"Tranquillity ! thou better name
Than all the family of Fame !"
28 juil. 20226 min de lecture
Benjamin Franklin : On Conversation
"To please in Conversation is an Art which all People believe they understand and practise, tho’ most are ignorant or deficient in it."
21 juil. 20225 min de lecture
Joubert : The Author, Drawn by Himself
"I long to make wisdom current coin, that is to say to stamp it into maxims, proverbs, sentences, easy to retain, and to hand on."
20 oct. 20212 min de lecture
Pablo Neruda : Ode to Arthur Rimbaud
"Now, this October you will turn a hundred, harrowing friend. May I speak to you ? I’m alone..."
19 juin 20212 min de lecture
"Chinese Parable", by Hermann Hesse
"AN OLD MAN named Chunglang, which means ‘Master Rock’, owned a small farm in the mountains."
8 juin 20213 min de lecture
"A Fable", by Mark Twain
"Once upon a time an artist who had painted a small and very beautiful picture placed it so that he could see it in the mirror..."
25 mai 20215 min de lecture
Ralph Waldo Emerson : Man and Nature
"In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, is always a child."
22 mai 20219 min de lecture
"Assez ! Extrait du journal d'un peintre défunt" (Ivan Tourgueniev)
"« Assez ! » me disais-je à moi-même, en gravissant péniblement le flanc d'une montagne escarpée..."
22 mai 202114 min de lecture
"Campement dans l'obscurité", par Robert-Louis Stevenson
"Je m’étais trouvé, à l’étranger, dans maintes nuits obscures, mais jamais dans une nuit plus obscure."
20 mai 20215 min de lecture
"The Art of Solitude", by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
« “No man is an island,” said John Donne. I feel we are all islands — in a common sea. »
20 mai 20218 min de lecture
"A Fairy World", by Henri-Frédéric Amiel
"Maïa ! Is she indeed the true goddess ? Hindoo wisdom long ago regarded the world as the dream of Brahma."
18 mai 20218 min de lecture
"The Laugh" (Albert Camus ; The Fall)
"I was about to light a cigarette, the cigarette of satisfaction, when, at that very moment, a laugh burst out behind me."
17 mai 20214 min de lecture
Petrarch's Melancholy
"S. Augustine. : You are the victim of a terrible plague of the soul — melancholy ; which the moderns call accidie..."