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1 nov.10 min de lecture
Karl Jaspers : Hamlet and the Problem of Truth
"Hamlet's knowledge and his desire for knowledge set him apart from the world. In it, he cannot be of it. He acts the part of a madman."
31 oct.6 min de lecture
Hojoki: An Account of My Hut (Kamo No Chōmei, 1212)
"Where can one be, what can one do, to find a little safe shelter in this world, and a little peace of mind ?"
30 oct.4 min de lecture
Aldous Huxley : Some Reflections on Time
"In all the arts whose raw material is of a temporal nature, the primary aim of the artist is to spatialize time."
25 oct.6 min de lecture
Carl Gustav Carus on Art and Beauty
"Let us freely and wholeheartedly yield to inner impulse, ranging in thought over every part of beauty's realm."
20 oct.4 min de lecture
J.W. Goethe : Nature
"NATURE ! We are encompassed and embraced by her — powerless to withdraw, yet powerless to enter more deeply into her being."
13 oct.9 min de lecture
Abraham Cowley : The Garden
"I never had any other desire so strong .. that I might be master at last of a small house and large garden,"
11 oct.5 min de lecture
Abraham Cowley : The Danger of Procrastination
"I am glad that you approve and applaud my design of withdrawing myself from all tumult and business of the world..."
11 oct.7 min de lecture
"Of Solitude", by Abraham Cowley (1668)
"... solitude can be well fitted and set right but upon a very few persons."
30 sept.5 min de lecture
The Majesty of Calmness (by William George Jordan)
"Calmness is the rarest quality in human life. It is the poise of a great nature, in harmony with itself and its ideals."
13 sept.4 min de lecture
L’Uniformisation du Monde (Stefan Zweig, 1925)
Le cinéma, la radio, la danse, tous ces nouveaux moyens de mécanisation de l’humanité, exercent un pouvoir énorme qui ne peut être dépassé.
5 sept.9 min de lecture
"On Vanity and Vanities", by Jerome K. Jerome (1886)
" I fear we are most of us like Mrs. Poyser's bantam cock, who fancied the sun got up every morning to hear him crow."
5 sept.7 min de lecture
Lewis Mumford : Mass-Sport or The Spectacle of Efficiency
"Sport presents three main elements: the spectacle, the competition, and the personalities of the gladiators."
19 août5 min de lecture
"Archetype of soul", by Walter Odajnyk
Botticelli - The birth of Venus, detail (1485) Extracts from : Walter Odajnyk Archetype and Character Power, Eros, Spirit, and Matter...
18 août5 min de lecture
Archetype and Character : Eros
"Although in the popular imagination Eros is seen in personal and human terms as love, it is primarily an abstract and cosmic principle."
16 août6 min de lecture
Paul Valéry : Propos sur le Progrès
"Pouvoirs nouveaux, gênes nouvelles, le monde n’a jamais moins su où il allait."
13 août4 min de lecture
Satori : The Art of Enlightenment (Erich Fromm)
"The final aim of Zen is the experience of enlightenment, called satori."
8 août5 min de lecture
"The Three Temptations", by Joseph Campbell
"The writer Thomas Berry says that it's all a question of story. The story is the plot we assign to life and the universe..."
6 août8 min de lecture
Clark E Moustakas : The Power of Loneliness
"There is a power in loneliness, a purity, self-immersion, and depth which is unlike any other experience."
6 août6 min de lecture
Thomas Wolfe : Anatomy of Loneliness
"MY LIFE, more than that of anyone I know, has been spent in solitude and wandering. Why this is true, or how it happened, I cannot say."
10 juil.6 min de lecture
"The Desire for Change", by Eric Hoffer
"There is in us a tendency to locate the shaping forces of our existence outside ourselves."
6 juil.4 min de lecture
Eric Hoffer : The Inconvenience of Passion
"There is in most passions a shrinking away from ourselves."
5 juil.5 min de lecture
Eric Hoffer : The Significance of Reading
"Our era of technology has not emphasized reading and study as virtues."
17 avr.8 min de lecture
Kierkegaard : Séparation et Mélancolie
"Paul parle d’être un "aphôrismenos", c’est-à-dire ici un "mis à part", eh bien j’en ai été un dès ma plus tendre enfance."
18 mars6 min de lecture
Narcissus The Epoptes
"The mystes, who is “he who closes the eyes”, was considered as reborn, and became epoptes —“he who sees”. "