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29 mai 20234 min de lecture
Bertrand Russell : What makes people unhappy ?
Animals are happy so long as they have health and enough to eat. Human beings, one feels, ought to be, but in the modern world they are not.
18 mai 20232 min de lecture
Bertrand Russell : On Comets
"In our day, it is difficult to imagine a world in which everybody, high and low, educated and uneducated, was preoccupied with comets,"
18 mai 20234 min de lecture
Bertrand Russell : Modern Homogeneity
"America is a man-made world; moreover it is a world which man has made by means of machinery."
20 sept. 20225 min de lecture
"Contemplative habit of mind", by Bertrand Russell
"A contemplative habit of mind has advantages ranging from the most trivial to the most profound."
8 sept. 20227 min de lecture
Bertrand Russell : The Pilgrimage of Life
"When joy and pain are overcome, peace and love remain, and Wisdom softly whispers words of rest and calm."
25 mai 20227 min de lecture
Bertrand Russell : The Role of Individuality
"The great men who stand out in history have been partly benefactors of mankind and partly quite the reverse."
15 avr. 20227 min de lecture
Bertrand Russell : The Wisdom of Renunciation
"To every man comes, sooner or later, the great renunciation."
6 mars 20224 min de lecture
"The harm that good men do", by Bertrand Russell
"A good man is one whose opinions and activities are pleasing to the holders of power."
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