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11 déc. 20244 min de lecture
Jung : La psychologie de l'homme moderne
"L'homme dit « moderne » est de tout temps solitaire."
26 août 20245 min de lecture
Carl Jung : Letters to Emma Jung
"The sea is like music; it has all the dreams of the soul within itself and sounds them over."
21 août 20245 min de lecture
The Myth of the "Night Sea Journey" (Jolande Jacobi)
"Jung has on various occasions referred to the myth of the "night sea journey" cited by Frobenius, which he named the "whale dragon myth"."
18 août 20244 min de lecture
Carl Jung : Extraversion and Introversion
"His own world is a safe harbour, a carefully tended and walled-in garden, closed to the public and hidden from prying eyes."
4 févr. 20246 min de lecture
Jolande Jacobi : The Individuation Process
"The individuation process, as a universal law of life, exhibits an archetypal pattern which remains more or less constant and regular."
2 févr. 20246 min de lecture
Jolande Jacobi : Individuation and the "change of life"
"The "change of life" is .. the urge and possibility for further spiritual and psychic development."
5 juin 20234 min de lecture
C.G. Jung : The archdemon of egoism
"The archdemon of egoism leads us along the royal road to that ingathering which religious experience demands."
5 mai 20231 min de lecture
Carl Gustav Jung : Entretiens
Interview 1957 / Face to face, 1959 / Des idées, des hommes, des oeuvres, 1987
17 août 20225 min de lecture
Carl Jung : The Meaning of Self-Knowledge
"We are living in what the Greeks called the καιρός – the right time – for a “metamorphosis of the gods” ..."
25 avr. 20225 min de lecture
Carl Jung : The achievement of personality
"The achievement of personality means nothing less than the optimum development of the whole individual human being."
1 avr. 20224 min de lecture
Carl Jung : L'Occident et le mythe de l'Âge d'Or
"La vie est un champ de bataille. Elle l’a toujours été et le restera toujours."
30 mars 20224 min de lecture
Carl Jung : The Morality of Society
"It is a notorious fact that the morality of society as a whole is in inverse ratio to its size."
9 oct. 20215 min de lecture
Individuation : Jung's Myth for Our Time (by James Hollis)
"The experience of the Middle Passage is not unlike awakening to find that one is alone on a pitching ship, with no port in sight. "
18 juil. 20215 min de lecture
"The Plight of the Individual in Modern Society", by Carl Jung
"The bigger the crowd the more negligible the individual becomes."
6 févr. 20214 min de lecture
Shakespeare's The Tempest : A Jungian Interpretation
"The Tempest investigates marriage, love, culture. It is symbolic of man’s rational higher instincts versus his animal natural tendencies."
27 déc. 20208 min de lecture
Carl Jung : Lettres de voyages
[Extraits] "Tu serais extrêmement surprise de voir où j’ai atterri, à présent, dans ce pays aux possibilités vraiment sans limites..."
18 déc. 20204 min de lecture
Carl Jung et le Processus d'Individuation
“Ma vie est l'histoire d'un inconscient qui a accompli sa propre réalisation.”
C. G. Jung
11 déc. 20205 min de lecture
Carl Jung : The Meaning of Dreams
“Nights, through dreams, tell the myths forgotten by the day.”
11 nov. 20208 min de lecture
Carl Jung's Persona : Behind the Mask
"One could say .. that the persona is that which in reality one is not, but which oneself as well as others think one is." Jung