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15 sept. 20247 min de lecture
"The Refuge", by Hermann Hesse (1917)
"MANY YEARS a favorite wish has accompanied me. This favorite wish was a pretty one, — a refuge."

14 sept. 20246 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : Letter to a Young Poet, 1910
"Perhaps you have hit upon the ideal of being a poet because you see a poet as an original, a perceptive and a pious man, pure in heart..."

29 août 20247 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : Nuits d’insomnie
"Il est très tard. Tu es allongé dans ton lit et tu ne peux pas dormir."

29 août 20247 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : Les joies modestes de l’existence
Hermann Hesse ; Casa Rossa, 1937 Hermann Hesse Propos sur les joies modestes de l’existence (1899) Des pans entiers de la population...

28 août 20246 min de lecture
"On Little Joys", by Hermann Hesse
'I believe what we lack is joy. The ardor that a heightened awareness imparts to life,.."

28 août 20244 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : Beauté du papillon
"Tout ce qui est visible est la manifestation d’une signification ; la nature entière est image, langage, hiéroglyphe coloré."

16 août 20243 min de lecture
"Farm", by Hermann Hesse
"Sheer misery makes one profound. — But here there are no problems, mere existence needs no justification, thinking becomes a game."

16 août 20244 min de lecture
"Clouded Sky", Hermann Hesse
"I lie and gaze into the evening skv. which for hours has been slowly covering itself with small, silent, tangled clouds."

15 août 20244 min de lecture
"Rainy Weather", by Hermann Hesse
"There is a kind of rainy weather that is refreshing and cheerful. Today's weather is not."

8 août 20233 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : Demian (Prologue)
"What constitutes a real, live human being is more of a mystery than ever these days."

5 juin 20237 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : Lettre à un jeune artiste
"Merci pour ton message de Nouvel An. Il est triste et déprimé et je ne comprends cela que trop bien."

30 mai 20234 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : La clé du bonheur
"Toute l'oeuvre de Hermann Hesse n'est que la réponse à un mal d'être qui, dans son adolescence, le pousse à des crises de désespoir."

22 févr. 20237 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : At the Badenau spa
"A spa such as this can destroy the magic and ravish the beauty of the most beautiful valley in the Black Forest."

2 juil. 20224 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : On Painting
"From all this desolation, .. I found my own form of escape through something I had never done before - by beginning to draw and paint."

Irène de Palacio
9 oct. 202117 min de lecture
Une fraternité épistolaire : Hermann Hesse et Thomas Mann
"Cela me réconforte de penser que je suis votre contemporain."

19 juin 20212 min de lecture
"Chinese Parable", by Hermann Hesse
"AN OLD MAN named Chunglang, which means ‘Master Rock’, owned a small farm in the mountains."

12 juin 20214 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : The Path of Solitude
"Zarathustra has gone a long way on the path of solitude. He has attended the school of suffering."

12 juin 20216 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : "Action and Suffering"
“What ought we to do ?” you ask me. You ask me time and time again, and yourselves as well. “Doing” — action — is so important to you..."

30 avr. 20218 min de lecture
"A Man by the Name of Ziegler", by Hermann Hesse
"Now Ziegler felt deeply horrified, for ever since he swallowed the magic pill, he had understood the language of animals."

28 avr. 20217 min de lecture
"The Beautiful Dream", by Hermann Hesse
"The fact that the student enjoyed his happiness only in a dream should not diminish it ..."

22 avr. 20217 min de lecture
"The Painter", by Hermann Hesse
"Oh, how he yearned to feel the vibration between himself and everything in the world !"

20 avr. 20215 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse : Hymn to Old Age
"Old age is a stage in our lives, ... it has its own face, its own atmosphere and temperature, its own joys and needs."

20 avr. 20213 min de lecture
"A walk in the spring", by Hermann Hesse
"Stone on the path, you are stronger than me ! Tree in the meadow, you will outlast me, and perhaps so will you, little raspberry bush..."

2 déc. 20208 min de lecture
Hermann Hesse et la Musique
"Pour moi, une vie sans musique serait insupportable... je la dédaignerai et m'en débarrasserai."
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